World Wonder – Machu Picchu Peru Inca Trail 2-Day Excursion

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Machu Picchu, one of the seven world wonders located in the Andes Mountains of Peru, stands as a testament to the advanced engineering and cultural significance of the Inca civilization. Built during the 15th century under the rule of Emperor Pachacuti, this intricate citadel served as a sacred retreat and urban center, encompassing temples, residential areas, and agricultural terraces. Abandoned and hidden from the outside world for centuries, it was rediscovered by American historian Hiram Bingham in 1911, sparking global fascination with its remarkably preserved architecture and enigmatic history. Today, Machu Picchu remains an iconic symbol of Inca ingenuity and spirituality, attracting millions of visitors annually to marvel at its breathtaking landscapes and unravel the mysteries of its past.

When it comes to excursions, there are many options for going to Machu Picchu. Due to the amount of time we had in each area of Peru we chose to do the two day Inca Trail Excursion (link to the one we did – This trip included pick up and drop off from our AirBnB, one overnight stay in a tent, multiple meals, and entry into Machu Picchu. Our group consisted of 6 people, including us and the tour guide.

Standing above the lookout for Machu Picchu

About halfway to the trailhead, we stopped for a delicious breakfast and some coffee. The first day was spent hiking along the trail and seeing other Inca ruins. Along the trail there is a camping area where the trail guide took us for lunch and beautiful views. After we got to the Sun Gate photo op spot we walked through Machu Picchu to the bus to go down the mountain. This is where we were stayed in our tent and had an authentic Peruvian dinner. We originally had the hope of hiking Machu Picchu mountain earlier the next morning before going into the ruins. Sadly due to heavy rains the night before, our tour guide recommended not completing the hike due to safety precautions. Instead we got up with the rest of our tour group and had breakfast before we went back up the mountain for the guided tour inside of Machu Picchu. Our guide shared information about the history as well as ways the ruins were built and tools used. We had free time after the tour to go into town for exploring. While in town we took up the guides suggestion of going to a water fall and the hot springs. The shops were fun to look around as well as stopping for happy hour snacks and drinks. We chose to upgrade to the higher class “Vista” train for the ride back. This was a great experience because they had entertainment that included a Peruvian dancer in costume.

Sitting at the colorful Machu Picchu Sign


We highly recommend the two day excursion if you are short on time but want the full authentic experience. Looking back, we wish we would have scheduled to climb the Huyana Picchu (Waynapicchu) mountain because it is the one that is often seen in background photos of the ruins. At the top there are other temple ruins and the views from the top appear to be beautiful (or at least the photos we have seen look beautiful). The second biggest regret we had was staying in the tent instead of staying in a hotel in town. For the excursion, both options were available and roughly similar in price. We had chosen camping because we thought it would be up in the mountain rather than down by the town.

For the hike itself, good hiking shoes and wearing layers is recommended. A rain coat and a rain cover for your backpack is also highly encouraged. The mornings can be chilly but it often got hot after hiking some of the more intense areas of the trail. Snacks and water were very essential throughout the hike. We had spent a bit of time in Cusco before going on the excursion so we had adjusted to the elevation.

If you are not able to complete the full hike, a great way to see the ruins is taking one of the day trips. The bus goes from the town at the bottom of the mountain up to the ruins. The ruins themselves are not too difficult to walk around. The area is relatively flat with a few stairs here and there to go to the different levels.

More Information

If you are curious to see more of our experience, head over to our YouTube page where we have full length videos of our experiences. We spent time in a few other areas of Peru as well, to see those experiences click here — Colca Canyon Tour or Rainbow Mountain and Red Valley.

Selfie in front of Machu Picchu ruins along the hike
Looking out above the clouds during the hike.
Waterfall stop after doing the inca trail hike

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