
How to Have a Magical Experience of Stonehenge

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Stonehenge is a world-famous prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England. It is one of the most iconic and enigmatic archaeological sites in the world, and its purpose and origins continue to be a subject of debate among scholars and researchers. Stonehenge’s construction can be dated to various phases, with the earliest phase believed to have started around 3100 BCE. Through many years of study, they have found how it is related to solstices and other celestial events.

With only a few days to spend in London, taking a guided tour to Stonehenge was a high priority. On our second day, we took the guided tour from Central London to Stonehenge and to Windsor.

Tour Options

The tour bus picked us up at roughly 7:30 AM at one of the main bus stations in Central London. We stopped for coffee and breakfast at Cafe Nero before heading to the bus station. Upon arrival we were led to stop 3 to wait for the bus. There were many other tour groups there waiting for their buses as well.

The tour we chose was Windsor and Stonehenge London. There were options to go to Bath, Oxford, and Salisbury. Part of our choice was the length of time we were planning to spend. This tour left around 7:30 AM and we arrived back in Central London around 6 PM. Link below is for the tour we went on —->

Stonehenge and Windsor Day Tour from London

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle
  1. Arrive early in the day – This may be dependent on if you are on a guided tour or if you go by yourself via car or train.
  2. Start at St. George’s Chapel – The architecture is stunning and it has tons of info about the crypts inside.
  3. Check out the Doll House – It was originally a gift to Queen Mary in the 1920s, it is a 1:12 scale with running water and electricity!
  4. Visit the State Rooms – There are audio guides available for purchase as well as many workers throughout that are willing to answer questions.
  5. Watch the changing of the guard – By happenstance we arrived right in time to watch this. I preferred watching it here rather than at Buckingham Palace as there was a much smaller crowd.
  6. Be respectful – There is signage requesting no photography in the chapel or in the castle, we are their guests and it is important to respect them.

The town itself was adorable! We spent roughly 3 hours between the castle tour and walking around town. I am glad we arrived right at open because as we left, the line was enormous!



After an 1.5 hour bus ride (with a snack on the bus) we arrived at Stonehenge. During the drive, our tour guided provided awesome information about the history and how it has changed over time.

Upon arrival, we showed our tour bracelet as our ticket and walked to the shuttle. It was raining when we first arrived and the guide offered everyone ponchos. By the time we took the ~3 minute shuttle, it had stopped raining. There is a walking path around the outside of the stones and multiple guides were around that offered useful knowledge. I will say, right as we walked up I did get the chills. Now whether that is the energy of the location or the cold, we may never know!

The exhibition center was super cool to walk through. The main entrance had a wrap around immersive experience that took us through time as it explained the changes to Stonehenge throughout the centuries. We popped into the shop and grabbed our keychain and postcards (ask us about how we keep track of our souvenirs!). The allotted time was around an hour and 45 minutes to explore town before getting back on the bus. It was then a 2 hour bus ride back to Central London.

Recommendations for

Stonehenge Tour

This was an awesome guided tour and we are so happy we prioritized this magical experience. Here is what worked and what we would recommend:

  1. Plan ahead – pack layers, umbrella, tip money, food money, etc.
  2. Choose the right option for you – with so many different locations within the tours, it is important to research which towns you are interested in stopping in.
  3. Plan ahead (again) – if you know far in advance when you will be taking your excursion, you can actually get a tour in the inner circle of Stonehenge! There are limited spots for these tours and they are slightly more expensive but you get to go inside of the stones!
  4. Think about time of year – they have special occasions for tours during the summer and winter solstices which according to the celestial studies, the solstices were believed to be an important part of the constructing of the stones.

If you are planning a trip to London, we would love to hear about it! Or if you have favorites we need to add to our lists, let us know! For tours similar to the one we took, click the links below! If you are interested in other parts of London, check out these posts — Hidden Gems of London for a Unique Experience, How to Experience All of London in 1 Amazing Day!, and 5 Free and Amazing Things to do in London


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