Unexpected and Necessary Packing Tips for Paris

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My first experience in Paris was amazing! We did so much and experienced an extravagance of beauty. There were a few things I had brought that I couldn’t have gone without and a few things I wish I’d had. Here is a list of necessary packing tips for Paris! Often times, Ross would carry his day pack and I carried my purse. This was a great balance of carrying few things but having space to put our jackets or picnic in the bag.


Pack a small thing of hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes. We spent a lot of time getting on and off public transportation and then getting snacks from the street carts. There is also a lot of touching things when you are on tours and trying to take photos. Keeping your hands sanitized is an important way to stay healthy on your trip. The wipes are great if you plan to have a picnic and your hands are sticky afterwards. These are my favorite – Wipes and Liquid Sanitizer.


Originally, I brought these for when we need to blow our nose. What they actually got used for was wiping off public toilets and as toilet paper (always throw these in the trash after to avoid clogging toilets). It’s shocking the number of cafes and other places we went that didn’t have toilet paper. I carry a small pack with me and then keep extras in my big bag at the room. This size is perfect – Pocket Size 10 Piece Pack.

Plug-In Headphones for Paris Tours

Multiple audio guided tours did not come with headphones. I had mine from a previous town but Ross did not have his. So for multiple tours he had to hold the audio guide up to his ear and try to hear it over the crowds. Another pro of bringing your own is even if they do have headphones, you aren’t wearing the ones other people are wearing too. Here’s a great option – Headphones.

Outlet Converter for Paris and Beyond

We bought this outlet converter awhile back and we each carry one with us. These work for multiple countries and we would not be able to function without them! It’s recommended to get one that has USB and AC options to be able to charge multiple devices simultaneously. ***Hot tip: it should have a spot for a regular US plug in. If you bring a fast charger box you can plug into this at the same time as plugging in other devices!***


Ok, I know this one is obvious but the amount of times I took my jacket off and on is a lot. We did go in September so that could be part of it. Often the areas in the shade could be chilly and the sun was warm. Or the train ride was cold yet the metro was warm. Having layers was so helpful.

Wine Opener

Eiffel Tower picnic with wine in Paris

Dependent on what you like to do, having a picnic under the Eiffel Tower with some wine and cheese just might be on your list. It was on ours and as we were at the shop to pick up our food, we realized we didn’t have a wine opener and had to buy one. The ones at the shops are normally a bit bigger and take up space. Here is the kind I’d recommend – Wine Opener. It is common for people to casually chill with a bottle of wine almost anywhere in Paris.

Note if you are flying, some airlines and countries care about the opener and others do not. We flew with ours to around 6 countries before an airline made us throw it out. We also got it confiscated for part of a group tour in another country because I forgot it was in my backpack and the security scanner showed it.

The best item for taking photos and videos while traveling is having a gimbal. It is a slightly more costly gadget but makes a world of difference! The stabilization for filming while walking is an absolute must. Using it as a tripod with the hand gesture setting allows us to take couples photos without having to run to pose with a timer. It does take up a bit more space in your bag so plan for that when packing. We us this DJI Gimbal.

We hope you found these tips helpful! If you are heading to Paris soon, we would love to connect and hear about your trip! Want more info about France? Click here —

Get your tickets ahead of time with these links!

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